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DCM – Management of the digital configuration
Power Project Consulting, through its experience in engineering, procurement of materials and industrial processes, can offer its experience to study, analyze and modify the business workflow with Digital Configuration Management.
The digital configuration management program consists in analyzing and transforming product configuration processes with digital technologies, to accelerate the response to customer requests, standardize product offerings, reduce costs and delivery times and increase quality.
This program guides the design, development and implementation of DCM (Digital Configuration Management) technologies across all business functions and will provide expertise in functional architecture and solutions, configuration and software development across multiple DCM implementation projects.
The combined use of digital catalogs, to increase productivity with the management of technical information, costs, research and inventory through the digitization of parts catalogs, and digital configurators can be the right tools to:

  • Guide the user during the selection of the product in the design phase;
  • Standardize the products used with certain costs and specific delivery times;
  • Provide the supply department with the tools to negotiate with suppliers;
  • Reduce the deviation from the standard;
  • Map the products in stock with a series of unique parameters and search them later, greatly reducing the creation of new parts;
  • Accelerate and reduce waste of time in a simple, standard and defined workflow process;
  • Give traceability and guide the user through a non-standardized workflow;
  • Connect the functions (offer, engineering, procurement, production, warehouse …) with an extreme possibility of continuous and real-time communication with ERP, the PLM system and building a unique and integrated architecture.

Via Giovanni Pascoli n° 3
Città Giardino - Melilli (SR)

Mon-Thu: 08:00am / 17:30pm
Fri: 08:00am / 13:00pm

+39 0931 712121

+39 0931 711950

Data Protection Officer (DPO) Avv. Davide Cautela Phone: +39 0931 747756  


    Quality Policy / ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001