EPC Back

Power Project Consulting has a long term experience into the realization of turnkey EPC project.
Main EPC project:

  • Biomass Treatment Unit – Ecofining Plant – Green Refinery 2;
  • Rationalization of receival and feeding of fuels gas to CTE;
  • AIA Prescription (Conveying vapors to Cryogenic – Cleaning with Ammine – Torch Gas Recovery);
  • Interconnecting new hydrogen plant HMU3;
  • Protection of crude oil pipelines DN-40;
  • Mix of crude oil on Topping 3 e 4 loading;
  • New Vapor Recovery Unit VRU2;
  • Remediation of tanks basin walls;
  • System of waste heat recovery from the kerosene currents produced in the unit Topping 3 e 4;
  • Installation of self-cleaning filters on seawater feeding circuit;
  • Technological improvement of the pipeline P45;
  • Increase of crude oil and gasoline download from platforms.



Via Giovanni Pascoli n° 3
Città Giardino - Melilli (SR)

Mon-Thu: 08:00am / 17:30pm
Fri: 08:00am / 13:00pm

+39 0931 712121

+39 0931 711950

ppc@ppcsrl.com ppc@pec.ppcsrl.com

Data Protection Officer (DPO) Avv. Davide Cautela Phone: +39 0931 747756