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Power Project Consulting has continued his constant evolutionary path in line with innovative technological solutions applied to industrial sectors for the strategic development of plant maintenance and operability activities. The company is structured in such a way as to offer a wide range of services covering the entire Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Marine sectors, a feature that makes it able to constitute a potential partner for the multidisciplinary nature of its offer of engineering services and consulting.
An important fusion between technical experience and technological innovation has allowed the company to achieve a leadership position in innovative engineering applications, including:
Implementation and management of digital platforms

  • Data Warehousing Systems
  • CAD 3D intelligent Administration and Modeling
  • Application Management Services
  • Document Digitalization
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Reverse Engineering

The implementation of engineering platforms, through the digitization of the entire documentation and catalogs of existing plants, provides an ideal tool for the simplification of plant management processes, which extends to the use of latest generation software for the management integrated procurement, expediting and construction activities in the context of EPC projects, new investments and complex maintenance, with important consequences in terms of containment of production costs, optimization of production processes, increased safety, monitoring of environmental protection systems.
The adoption of these new technologies as well as having a significant economic impact, has an important impact on the management of production processes in their entirety.
Power Project Consulting boasts a consolidated relationship with a leading shipbuilding company for both civil and military design and in the provision of specialized IT services, creation of digital manuals, maintenance and management of IT systems, ICT applications and infrastructures and development of vertical applications for the latest generation three-dimensional modeling software, through an Application Management Service of the customer’s internal IT structure.
In the Power Generation sector, the collaboration with another major company involves specialist IT activities for administration and assistance on SmartPlant suites (Contruction, 3D, Elena Puma, Foundation, P&ID), development and upgrade of client’s internal software, piping support programming, development and customization of the teamcenter-spf-spc interface.
Among the new contractual acquisitions, we report:

  • Multidisciplinary engineering for the construction of an offshore platform in the Persian Gulf;
  • Contract (in Temporary Business Grouping with a Belgian company) for the realization of the “Biomass Treatment Unit – Ecofining” project, which is part of the “Green Refinery” project.

Power Project Consulting has entered into partnership agreements with a US multinational company for IT management services in various sites in the Middle East, subsequently extended to new technologies of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Via Giovanni Pascoli n° 3
Città Giardino - Melilli (SR)

Mon-Thu: 08:00am / 17:30pm
Fri: 08:00am / 13:00pm

+39 0931 712121

+39 0931 711950

ppc@ppcsrl.com ppc@pec.ppcsrl.com

Data Protection Officer (DPO) Avv. Davide Cautela Phone: +39 0931 747756