Project Management Services Back

PMS – Project Management Service
Assistance & Support to Owners for:

  • Work Assistance and Supervision;
  • Definition of Engineering Scope of Work;
  • Coordination and Control of the Engineering and Process Phase;
  • Project Control;
  • Cost Control;
  • Project planning, verification of project timing and main Milestones;
  • Contract Administration;
  • Vendor Bids Technical Alignment and Tabulation;
  • Expediting;
  • Technical Tests;

Work Assistance & Supervision

  • Field Work Supervision;
  • Support to the Owner into the work execution control;
  • Verification of materials used;
  • Inspections during construction;
  • Measurement and accounting of the works executed;
  • Work Direction;
  • Static tests with specialist certificated and qualifies.

Via Giovanni Pascoli n° 3
Città Giardino - Melilli (SR)

Mon-Thu: 08:00am / 17:30pm
Fri: 08:00am / 13:00pm

+39 0931 712121

+39 0931 711950

Data Protection Officer (DPO) Avv. Davide Cautela Phone: +39 0931 747756